

Monday, March 26, 2007

US Acts Upon India's 'GEN-NEXT' : Tomorrow's 'Dawn'

....US and India are "engaging more actively and constructively than ever on a wide range of issues", US Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Karen Hughes said on Friday describing her March 26-29, 2007 trip to India as one meant "to strengthen our collaboration".

"America wants to open its doors even wider to students from India, and we want more American young people to travel to India to study and learn," Hughes said, as "our educational partnership is critical".

"India is already No 1 in the world in sending students to the US for higher education and we want to build on this strength for the benefit of the next generation of Indians and Americans," she said.

"Students recognise that global challenges demand global solutions, and international higher education needs to respond to this knowledge imperative," Hughes said.

..........."The global knowledge society knows no boundaries. Now it remains for governments and higher educational institutions — working in partnership with the private sector — to match their students' ambitions," she added.

Hughes said Indian and American parents alike want their children to be well prepared for the challenges in a changing world. Not only do they"believe education is key to building a better life", they "are urging educational institutions to expand the scope of affordable education options, broadening our students' opportunities to succeed".

Exchange programmes such as Fulbright Fellowships bring foreign students to US universities and allow American scholars to study abroad. Leading US universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conduct ongoing collaborative research and educational projects with Indian institutions.

US educational institutions, from community colleges to universities, seek to attract foreign students, but after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, security concerns made student visa applications more cumbersome.

This is changing, according to Hughes, with the total number of student and exchange visas issued by the Department of State reaching an all-time high of 591,050 during fiscal year 2006.

"Student visa issuance in India was up by 32 percent over last year. Secretary (Condoleeza) Rice is committed to a transparent and efficient visa process and the Department of State has taken many steps to streamline those processes."

Through this visit to India — the second in a series of delegations focused on stronger academic partnerships initiated at the US University Presidents Summit on International Education in January 2006 - Hughes said she aims to send a clear message: "We want students around the world to know that the welcome mat is out for study in the United States."

Hughes' delegation includes Thomas A Farrell, deputy assistant secretary of state for academic programmes, and six university presidents from across the US: John J Bowen, Johnson and Wales University; Mark A. Emmert, University of Washington; Margaret B Lee, Oakton Community College; John M Lilley, Baylor University; James L Oblinger, North Carolina State University; and Eileen Wilson-Oyelaran, Kalamazoo College.

The group will meet academic, government and business leaders and students to communicate the diversity of opportunities American higher education offers and expand educational partnerships with Indian universities and students.


Personal Review

"The US wants to open its doors even wider to students from India for the benefit of the next generation of Indians and Americans, a US official said ahead of a trip to India." , is with which starts this 'much belated' (After the US University Presidents Summit on International Education in January 2006 !) two-page article, US to open door wider to Indian students .

This is what my constant humble edeavour, has been , in publishing my intuitivism to leave behind golden imprint , and to bring sparkle to the "Unified Global Ignited Minds".

The Prelude , shall be more melodious , as and when , my 'most aspired' , Tomorrow's 'Dawn' , begets 'Blessings Of The Supreme'.

Hence this article honours my page.

Love and Peace.




The Gazebo

The Gazebo

"The Divali Nagar or Divali County" in CHAGUANAS, Trinidad and Tobago.

"The Divali Nagar or Divali County" in CHAGUANAS, Trinidad and Tobago.